Thursday, March 4, 2010

Living within my budget

These days are quite tight on most everyone's budget. Although, we have heard claims of the economy recovering, I see no evidence. I do not blame the powers to be of present for the problems. Past administrations are to blame. I am not here to promote or condemn any administration though. I am only here to say what I am doing in hopes it will help others. Since November, with the loss of my job, I have gone from an average of $400/wk to $130/wk and now $269/wk. The $130/wk was very hard to downsize to, after being used to $400/wk. I examine every purchase I make and calculate very carefully as not to exceed my benefit amount. Some people don't understand how to make to do with what they have. I am very fortunate I have a good understanding. Living within my budget comes from years of experience. I absolutely refuse to own credit cards. I almost never carry money with me. I only have a bank debit card and use it for necessities only. Being able to check my bank account online is also the best asset in helping me with my budget. When shopping at the store I look for the best value, but also the quality. For instance, in our household we were using paper plates. I now discovered that the traditional paper plates were a poor value since grease soaks through. At the same price, there were plates made by Dixie that can withstand anything put on them. I tend to buy a lot of the same food for myself, but occasionally I switch. Sometimes, depending on where you live you have to go to a few different stores as to pick up on all the sales. Sales in newspapers and coupons are the greatest assets to those of us trying to save a few bucks. For those of us that get coupons online though, be advised there is scam outfits out there. A few years ago I was scammed by an outfit that placed a bill of $20/month on my checking account. Any site that asks for a phone number when you are looking for coupons, don't give it! These sites offer $500 in coupons, but only steal money from you. There are plenty of legitimate sites that have great coupons for those of us living in more remote areas. Always be sure to read the fine print on these sites. For those of you seeking employment online, no good news on this end. So far after searching since 2002, I have yet to find a job that pays unless you pay them first. These are rough days we are all facing and there are too many people taking advantage of that fact. Newspaper want ads also list places that want money for a job. I really think the Federal Government needs to correct this situation with new laws. It is unfair for those of us seeking employment to suffer these scam opportunists. For those of you looking to save the real bucks depends on learning some new tasks. Services cost us many dollars. Auto Repair can run into a lot of money. Fortunately, from a young age I learned mechanics as to save on most repairs. I do leave Electrical problems to the pros though ever since the 80's. The money that can be saved from learning how to work on cars is incredible. The cost of my present vehicle 1989 Toyota Celica was around 3 grand. The car was in the junk yard and in need of an engine. After having the car towed, replacing engine and even having work done at Toyota, the cost comes out to 3 grand. If I would have bought one of these cars in decent shape, already finished is a great chance I would have spent 4 grand. This is a savings of a grand. Some of us are frightened at doing some of these services ourselves and I do understand that fact. I always weigh things out. When I find I have nothing to loose and all to gain, this is when I get the ball rolling and do the job. While living in Idaho, I had a choice of spending $325 for the cabinets above my sink(8 X 48 trailer). I decided I had nothing to loose and all to gain. I did the measuring, bought my wood, hinges and stain. Within 2 days I had decent looking cabinets for the cost of $80. Now if I would have found out the material for the job cost more than the overall job, I would have it done. So yes there are factors to consider. My spouse and I both smoke cigarettes. Instead of paying about $400/month, I make our cigarettes. Our monthly cost is $200 a savings of $200. Is not an easy task and will cover more things at a later date. I have learned many things off the internet as to provide me with the knowledge of building my own computers, which are generally much more stable than the name brands. Having this knowledge has also helped in me aiding others that need computers repaired. I have either bartered or accepted payment. I really do suggest bartering for those of us out of work. Everyone that is unemployed at present has knowledge of some service. I suggest everyone shares their knowledge with each other online and offline to help each other through these times of need. I really do praise the Internet for the knowledge that can be gained for those of us in need. Let's try to stand together keep our pride and carry on. No one should ever be ashamed or in despair.

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